Schizophrenia Patients Should Steer Clear of These 5 Foods

Schizophrenia Patients Should Steer Clear of These 5 Foods

Schizophrenia is an incredibly misunderstood disorder. Most people think of it as something outlandish and a consequence of an event or entity that can’t be understood. The truth couldn’t be further from that, with the condition having specific recognizable characteristics just as any other disorder. Symptoms of schizophrenia are usually placed under two brackets: positive and negative. Positive symptoms include hallucinations and delusions, whereas the latter includes attentional impairment and the disability to function normally. Experts aren’t exactly sure what causes schizophrenia but feel that it could be genetics, psychological, or environmental factors. Patients who have the mental disorder require lifelong treatment and care, as there isn’t a single reliable method to cure the problem forever. That said, a combination of certain factors can aid in relieving some of the symptoms. Diet is one of these factors, with certain foods capable of reducing symptoms while others can make it worse. Focusing on the latter, here are foods schizophrenia patients must avoid at all costs. 1. Caffeine Higher doses of caffeine is a big problem for people who have schizophrenia. The psychoactive substance alters dopaminergic activity, impacting the way neurons interact with each other. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia, such as delusions and hallucinations, are maximized; as a result, causing serious trouble for patients.
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5 Human Foods That Should Not Be Fed to Cats and Dogs

5 Human Foods That Should Not Be Fed to Cats and Dogs

Pets like cats and dogs officially become family members once they are adopted. So, it is necessary to make sure they get the best nutrition for their physical and mental well-being. Sadly, many pet owners feed their pets human food, presuming it tastes the same and is just as nutritious. However, statistics suggest that most pets suffer from food poisoning because of human food consumption. Here are five human foods that you should not feed your pets: 1. Chocolate This is one of the top foods that should not be kept away from dogs and cats. Chocolate contains both caffeine and theobromine, which are toxic for your pets’ digestive systems. Pets that consume chocolate may experience symptoms like abnormal discomfort, high body temperature, diarrhea, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), and even vomiting and seizures in severe cases. Vets suggest that the darker the chocolate, the more the concentration of cocoa in it. Hence, more the toxic reactions it can cause in dogs and cats. 2. Grapes These berry-like fruits may not be poisonous to all pets. However, some reports suggest that pets, specifically dogs, may experience kidney failure due to grapes. So, it is recommended to steer clear of the fruit, as it can lead to symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhea, dehydration, and fluctuation in urination.
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Things to Consider When Buying Cat Treats

Things to Consider When Buying Cat Treats

Giving your cats their favorite treats is a great way to train and spoil them. However, sometimes we tend to give them too many treats, either out of sheer ignorance or by falling prey to their adorable faces. Feeding your cat too many treats can be dangerous, as it can lead to heart disease, arthritis, obesity, stroke, or even cancer. A great way to avoid this is by opting for healthier cat treats and setting a hard limit to how many treats you should give them in a day. Here are some tips to help you buy the right treats for your cats: 1. Avoid corn, soy, and wheat Corn, soy, and wheat are ingredients that contain high amounts of carbohydrates and fiber. Cats don’t particularly need a lot of carbohydrates and fiber in their diet, since their natural diet predominantly consists of meat. Feeding them such high-fiber foods is not good for their health, as it may lead to indigestion and an upset stomach. 2. Avoid sweeteners While several cat treats contain artificial sweeteners to enhance their taste, these aren’t typically healthy for them. Such added sweeteners put your cats at risk of developing severe health complications. Moreover, most cats aren’t even able to taste sweetness in their food.
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Various Food Allergy Symptoms and Triggers in Dogs

Various Food Allergy Symptoms and Triggers in Dogs

When humans experience allergies, it is easy to identify the issue. Unfortunately for animals, they cannot tell us what they are going through, making it crucial for pet owners to keep an eye out for allergens. This specifically applies to the symptoms and triggers for food allergies in dogs since you never know when an ingredient won’t suit the pup. This article discusses the same and how you can spot them. Triggers for food allergies in dogs While each dog can have or suffer from unique allergens, there are a few common food items that threaten allergic reactions in dogs. Dairy Individuals commonly think that milk and dairy products are good for dogs but this is not true. Dogs are often lactose intolerant, which can lead to allergy symptoms including gas, diarrhea, and even vomiting. Due to this lactose intolerance, it can be difficult to spot a true allergy from an intolerance. In case of an allergic reaction, dogs will display other signs too, such as itchiness of the skin. Beef Another common allergen is beef. This is only on this list because it contains high levels of proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction in dogs. Also, long-term consumption of beef can also lead to the development of intolerance, which can then cause allergy-like symptoms and signs.
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Tips to Make Dog Food Healthy

Tips to Make Dog Food Healthy

Most people stick with canned food or dry kibble to satiate their pets’ hunger. But often enough, we like to treat them or replace their meals with something else. In either case, there is a huge room for making judgemental errors that could provide unwanted results. To ensure that your pets consume healthy meals, you can take some points into consideration. Here are some of those healthy dog food tips. Whole foods Being a parent means you will prefer serving your kids with fresh whole foods instead of store-bought versions. The same goes for pet parents. If you want to provide your beloved dogs with the nutrition of a home-cooked meal, you need to ensure it is a well-balanced one. This would mean high-protein low-carb meals that are made out of ingredients that your dog can easily digest. Failure of customizing the meals to their needs could mean health problems, and we surely don’t want that. Keep shaking things Ever noticed how your doctor prescribes you a dose of multivitamins only for a certain amount of time and then asks you to discontinue it. This is to prevent the possibility of excessive vitamin/mineral deposition in the body, as this too can lead to problems.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid to Ease IBS Symptoms

Foods to Eat and Avoid to Ease IBS Symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also commonly known as IBS, is a condition that affects individuals across the globe. This condition affects the digestive tract and causes symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and even constipation. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a lifelong disorder and it can wreak havoc if left untreated. In such cases, individuals usually have to make changes to their lifestyle and even their diet. This article will focus on various dietary tips that help soothe irritable bowel syndrome. 1. Consume a good quantity of fiber foods When it comes to making lifestyle and dietary changes for IBS, individuals need to pay attention to the amounts of fibers in their diet. Fibers add to the bulk of your stools, which makes it easy to move through the digestive tract and smooth excretion. On average, individuals should consume around 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily. Foods that are high in fiber include fruits and vegetables. Fiber does help with IBS but not all types. Research has shown that soluble fibers are more effective to combat IBS. If your body cannot handle insoluble fiber, you need to decrease the number of insoluble fibers that you are consuming. Instead, you can opt for soluble fibers that can be found in products such as apples, carrots, and even oatmeal.
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4 Common Keto Mistakes to Avoid

4 Common Keto Mistakes to Avoid

Ketogenic diet, Paleo diet, Low-GI diet — these are terms we have frequently heard or read about. Needless to say, some of us even wandered out on the path of following these diets in our bid to achieve our weight and health goals. But, doing so without proper guidance from a professional can be a huge mistake. Here is a list of fairly common keto diet mistakes people often make. 1. Right hydration Our body is made up of water and some other elements. Considering the amount of water it constitutes, it is easy to conclude that water is a crucial part of our bodily functions. This also includes the process of fat burning. We have often heard that one mistake people often make is not to not drink enough water. It can obstruct your weight-loss process and might even lead to weight gain in some cases. Keto diet is no different; people following this trend to lose weight fall prey to the shortcomings of insufficient hydration. 2. Right fats Keto is often misconstrued as a low-carb diet. But that is not all. It is a low-carb, high-fat diet. Keto diets are based on getting 5% of daily calorie consumption from carbs, 20% from protein, and about 75% from healthy fats.
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Foods That Help Prevent Early Depression Signs

Foods That Help Prevent Early Depression Signs

Everybody feels low from time to time, and that is absolutely alright. But when emotions such as hopelessness and despair become persistent in life, they are signs of depression. In most cases, depression doesn’t happen overnight. Certain feelings and emotions build up slowly, so identifying early warning signs of depression can be very helpful. And the good news is that eating certain foods is scientifically proven to help fight depression. So, let’s look at some signs of depression and foods that can prevent them from worsening. 1. Early Signs and Symptoms of Depression It’s important to understand that depression is more just temporary sadness. The signs and symptoms can persist for most of the day and last for weeks or several months. Some of the common early warning signs of depression include Anger or irritability Hopelessness Sleeping problems Feeling guilty or worthless Loss of interest in activities Lack of motivation Feeling tired and sleepy during the day Difficulty concentrating on work Unexplained aches and pain in the body Changes in appetite and weight 2. Foods That Help Battle Depression For people experiencing any of the early warning signs of depression, they must modify their diet and to include foods like 3.
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5 Foods to Exclude to Avoid Ulcerative Colitis Flare-ups

5 Foods to Exclude to Avoid Ulcerative Colitis Flare-ups

Ulcerative colitis is a type of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) that affects the digestive system by causing inflammation and sores. With at least 1 million people suffering from it, it is one of the most common diseases in our country. While the disease can be easily managed with various treatments, lifestyle changes like changes in food can expedite the recovery process. The following are some foods to avoid to keep ulcerative colitis symptoms at bay. 1. Uncooked fruits and vegetables While uncooked or raw fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of nutrients, they can cause flare-ups in the case of ulcerative colitis. This is because raw fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which can make them difficult to process for a weak digestive system. The inability of the digestive system to break down high amounts of fiber can result in bloody stools. So, people with ulcerative colitis are recommended to cook, boil, mash fruits and vegetables, and remove their skin and seeds before consuming it, as this helps break down and digest fiber easily. 2. Whole-grain foods Foods such as breads, noodles, pastas, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, and wild rice, etc. are made from whole grains. These are high in fiber since the whole grains do not have their germ or bran removed.
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Quick and Healthy Bites That Kids Are Sure to Love

Quick and Healthy Bites That Kids Are Sure to Love

Snacks are as important as the whole meal, or rather, more important in case of kids who are fussy eaters. Picky kids may like to eat at intervals rather than having a full, sit-down meal. Therefore, parents are always conscious about what they’re feeding their kids. If you’re running out of healthy snack options for your kids, then take a look at this list of easy yet healthy bites that children love: 1. Apple slices with peanut butter If your kid is a picky eater, then combine apple slices with peanut butter and a little bit of jam to entice them. Better yet, with a cookie cutter, cut them in interesting shapes, such as a star, heart, or moon, and watch your little one gobble it up in no time! 2. Popcorn No kid (or even adult) can say no to popcorn. It’s a total crowd-pleaser. It is also a whole-grain snack that you can offer to your kids without any guilt. Popcorn is packed with fiber that helps kids feel full for longer hours. Plus, of course, you can use various healthy toppings to make it fun. 3. Ice pops You can make a huge variety of ice pops using any type of fruit with nonfat Greek yogurt.
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